Pretty Pink

Was very happy to see that the clouds were going to colour when I pulled back my curtains this morning.  So down to the lake I went, to capture the lovely scene.  The mountains are Mt Maude (left) and Mt Iron (right).  

After breakfast I sent off an email with my grocery order to the local supermarket.  The groceries arrived at 3 p.m. which is pretty good service I think.  I have just washed everything and put the food away.

My kind neighbour has just done some weedeating along the top part of my section.  I think he needed something to do!

My walnut count is down today, only 10.  The extra is the jigsaw I am working on.

It has been another cold day, so I have had the fire going.  +9.  Today it's been 3 weeks since lockdown, only a week to go.

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