Freshly Smashed

(This entry should be taken as more of an effort to add some "back story" to this whole tedious Covid-19 lockdown saga than an all-out whinge ... )

So, after multiple attempts over several days to secure a delivery slot for groceries, we finally succeeded in arranging a drop off at the ungodly hour of 6:30 this morning.

This is how the Parmesan cheese arrived -- smashed, with all the germ-infested plastic shards neatly dispersed and contained inside the package.  $8.00 wasted right there. Good luck trying to contact the supermarket about a refund -- we were told by an automaton that there was a 34 minute wait time before our call could be directed to a customer service representative.

NO Frozen Peas, Almonds, Paper Towel, Cleaning Supplies of any kind, Cream, Eggs, Flour, Rice, Hand Soap.

DENTED cans galore.

Oh ... and the cardboard box of cereal squashed at the bottom of a bag full of the afore-mentioned dented cans.

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