Not Mine

Can’t claim these tulips as mine, they belong to next door.
My neighbours  would be the first to admit they are not gardeners but they do have a very nice range of bulbs that flower year after year.
They get a good display for very little effort.

A little bit of happiness today when l finally managed to get Mr P outside for the first time in over three months.
Our ramp was completed just as the lockdown started, it also coincided with Mr P’s friend and myself being trained to use the hoist.
C19 has put a stop to all my plans of getting Mr P outside but overnight l had a little brainwave : 
I have one carer per day to come in to help me with personal care and changing bedding, decided to do it all myself before they came and then used that precious thirty minutes to get Mr P into his wheelchair and outside for ten minutes.
So the ramp has been used!
It was quite emotional as l wheeled him down to the end of the garden, then we could sit for a while and listen to the birdsong.
All too soon it was time to bring him back inside but l am hoping we can repeat this again.
Got a lot of pleasure from sending the extra to Tim and Rebecca.
If you look at it please ignore my hair which really has gone wild but it is Wednesday so l’m going to tag it :-))

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