Glorious Sunrise

Pleased that I was out the door early, as the clouds were beautiful this morning.  As usual I took lots of photos.  I like this one the best.  Coming back through the park I collected 12 walnuts.

It has clouded over, so I have the fire going, so I'm nice and warm.  Went for a stroll to the lake and back this afternoon, so have clocked up 10,000 steps.

We are to stay in level 4 lockdown until late Monday night, then we go down to level 3.  For me, it won't be much different.  Tween H is enjoying her school work via zoom.  She loves seeing her little friends, and chats to them all.  Modern technology is wonderful for such a time as this.

The extras are:  photos that I took during my morning walk and the jigsaw.  Still quite messy, and I don't know where everything goes yet.  Time will tell.

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