Day 4 - more tulips and another lens baby image

Early start after a night when I found sleeping difficult.  First stop the Market Hall in Penistone to collect greengroceries from the wonderful Andy who had our order packed  along with one for a neighbour who has not been venturing out.  I’d decided that I’d supermarket shop at the same time as it had been so easy the week before but had a longer wait in the queue this week so caught up with the news on my phone.  People were very good natured with a few conversations going on at a suitable distance between strangers and people who knew one another.  Once inside I was struck by how many men had been sent out to do the shopping.  They were the ones standing around looking for things (the aisles are wide enough to avoid people.)

Back to a Zoom planning meeting for the Penistone CC online programme which I felt had gone better than the last one until I saw Peter’s plan, which was almost identical to the last draft!  I tried to create a more open ended one but have since got an email back to say he’s not sure what I was trying to say/ show.  Back to the drawing board!  How to explain???

PM - garden activity - remove the Crocosmia Lucifer from under the golden Japanese Maple and replant part of it in the space to the left which also left some to share with a neighbour.

Followed by a Digital Image Group online talk attended by 350+ members, which was a great disappointment for me ( I’d been really looking forward to it).  Too many ideas shared, many of which were not his natural forte and an unfortunate way of delivering.  A first and brave attempt but Ten Ideas that you might try during the lockdown, with a bit more emphasis on the  techniques would have gone down better with me.  I did pick up a few tips though - including an idea for a diffuser for insect photography with flash to freeze the action.  One of the advantages of Zoom is that you can listen while doing something else and then jump back in when you hear something of interest.  So that’s what I did.

And then I was all-in and went to bed very early.

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