Lockdown ANZAC Day

An ANZAC Day to remember above all others.  We live in the country so our gateway was rather quiet at 6.00 this morning but those photos of the way others' remembered those who went to war and who fell for us all.

This is the memorial at Clyde.  Usually it has so many wreaths and lots of people around - not this year.

I'll never forget those images we saw on TV of the lonely bugle player on his veranda at 6.00am high on the hills in Port Chalmers, or the piper on Mt Maunganui Beach in the sunrise, or the lonely mayor laying a wreath in Balclutha.  What about all those people who were at their gates in towns and, a friend described outside her house, the haunting sound of a bugle player in the distance, the ode being recited somewhere near her and the people quietly thinking.

Fences and windows and gardens have poppies made of all sorts of junk - the shops are shut and the way people used their imagination has been incredible.

I connected with my sister who lives in Darwin at her 6.00am, my 8.30.  It was lovely to share the time with her.  I also made Anzac Biscuits - what else to do in lockdown but lots of baking and new meal recipes.

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