Life with Alice

By elirin

Moose TV

Something very special happened late this evening! We’re following the Great Moose Migration on SlowTV with interest. It’s a 24/7 broadcast for a month from a special place where moose for thousands of years (how do they know that?) have come to swim across a big river to get to their summer grazing grounds in the mountains. 

Up until now, the moose have been quite chicken, to be honest. They arrive in small or big groups, hang around by the water, sometimes a whole day, and then turn back like they’re saying Let’s do this another day, shall we? They are also very skittish. They jump at the smallest sound, and if one starts to hesitate when they walk over the ice, everyone else immediately turns around too. 

But. A bit after dusk tonight, a mum cow and her two calves arrived at the shore. They went into the water, but changed their minds, then spent an hour eating and when darkness had fallen, they SWAM across the river! Yay! 

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