Moonset at sunrise.

Last night I looked at the instruction booklet for the DSLR, having got pretty much out of the habit of turning it to manual for all functions. After playing a bit with it, I left it at f11 and 1/250; ISO at 200.

Woke this morning just after sunrise, and when I went out onto the apartment deck I saw the moon large and low in the sky, reflecting subtly the colours of the sun. Thinking that I had the right settings already in the camera, I turned it to manual, put on the long lens and took this picture (and two others). I have cropped out excess dark background; dark sky being the consequence of the settings I chose. I feel pleased with what I have produced.

Today is S' and my 47th wedding anniversary. We married young, while still students, and have learned life together ever since. As I wrote to her today, I cannot imagine life without her.

Spent the morning minding the boys; their mother started back at school (secondary school teacher, preparing for when the students return). Restful afternoon, until I had the daily obligatory run.

Then S, both daughters and I, went out to Mission Bay for a celebratory meal. J took a lovely photograph of us, which I will put in my blipfolio. After the meal, we walked over to the beach, passing a group of people enjoying a game of volleyball. There were people swimming. The sky showed the colours from the west where the sun had set some 15 - 30 minutes before. Daughter C took a lovely photo of us with Rangitoto in the background. If I am able, that will also be in the blipfolio.

It would be nice to have as many more years as we have already had.

Try it large

ADDITIONAL: Photo from anniverary dinner viewable here

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