Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

A Break in The Clouds

I have come to the conclusion that my enthusiasm for blipping waxes and wanes with the weather, which may help explain my absence over the last week as the weather has been absolutely dire. That's 4 gales now since Friday, some of them accompanied by torrential rain - the heaviest seen in these parts for many a year.

As a lover of light, I get little inspiration on grey, wet and windy days. They are fine for sitting by the fire watching the waves crashing on the rocks and the sea threatening to invade the garden, but of little use for blipping landscapes or wildlife.

Today was another of these days and I spend the afternoon at a meeting in a neighbours house. When I left just before 5 o'clock I was surprised to see it was still light as the sky in front of me dark grey. It was only when I got home and looked westwards that I could see a large hole in the clouds which were being illuminated by the setting sun. It lasted only a brief few minutes before darkness set in.

Here's hoping it was a sign of a better day tomorrow!

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