Friday Foto

By drmackem

Baby Driver

I'm working it out, maybe 1972, working it out by knowing what was in the charts back then then googl'in. Dad bought the family a cassette player, my bro and I used to tape the top 20 by putting it next to the radio hitting record then running out of the room so as not upset the quality of the recording. Only problem was that we either had C60 or C90 which meant that we needed to time a stealthy return back into the after 30 or 45mins to switch it over. We then played the charts all week, again and again til the following Sunday when we taped over, if it wasn't in the charts, it was out.

The first pretaped cassette tape we owned was Simon and Garfunkels Bridge Over Troubled Water (as opposed to my first LP - Growing up with Wally Wyton - but that's another story)- I could probably still sing the whole album word for word, in the right order.

Funny the chain of thoughts and memories that follow on when you're desperate for a blip shot and end up spotting a tiny toy car in a paua shell where it shouldn't be.

They call me Baby Driver
And once upon a pair of wheels
Hit the road and I'm gone
What's my number
I wonder how your engines feel
Ba ba ba ba
Scoot down the road
What's my number
I wonder how your engines feel

Paul Simon - Baby Driver
(I was 10, I lived in Cumberland, my first vinyl was growing up with Wally Whyton, I thought it was about driving a car)

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