Birthday Girl

So I have finally sobered up enough to write up Sundays blip......kidding!

So it was a great day despite the weather not playing its was wet wet wet!

With the help of our neighbours and their BBQ we managed to cook under was in their best interest really cause then they would have had no lunch either ( they came to the BBQ )

Anyways there was a great turn out ( we had about 25 hungry mouths to feed!) and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves......which was nice!

This picture was really the only picture I got of Andrea as I was far too busy cooking and hosting to do anything else! You will notice no candles on the cake, that was at the request of the rural fire brigade just in case things got out if hand!

Later on that night a few members of the Blue Mountains Beer Wankers (BMBW), our little group of like minded individuals came to ours for a bit of a beer tasting session, pizzas and the Australian Open Grand least 2 out of the 3 went the way as planned!

It was a great/exhausting day but I think everyone had a blast!

I really like this picture of Andrea as she has such a natural expression on her face!

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