If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


This morning I declared I wasn't going to blip a flower, instead I would do a neck feather from the Cock Pheasant (the territorial dispute had dislodged some).   The astute among you will notice this isn't a feather!   My attempts at photographing the feather didn't, as my daughter would say, "spark Joy". During the day I happened to look into this tulip which is almost "over", I have never seen the inside of a tulip anything like it.

This evening we had signed up for a on-line talk (for members) by the reserves officer for Fowlshaw Moss Cumbria Wildlife Trust Reserve.  The subject was Ospreys,he had been working at Rutland during the re-introductions there and now has them nesting on the reserve.   Ospreys hold a special place for me, back in the 70s when I used to volunteer on the Insh Marsh reserve near Aviemore one of our jobs was spending nights in a derelict cottage.  We were keeping watch with the incase anybody tried to rob the nest a couple of hundred yards away.  At that time there were less than 20 pairs nesting in Scotland.  Now there are about 350 spread through the UK.

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