View of a Barbecue

Sam assembled his new barbecue, and we had dinner in the late afternoon sunshine, to the sound of VE music being played loudly somewhere. Special moments.

Must say, I was puzzled at first by this bank holiday, had missed the news somewhere, but have just watched the BBC production after the Queen's address to the nation, remembering things my Mum used to say about the war and afterwards. Her twin sister is still going strong, they would have been 15... she reads this journal, wonder what she remembers of that day? Do write me an email, Auntie Helen!

- that we're not at war - though, in a way, we are, and two of my kids are on the frontline, but it's not as bad, surely?
- books I ordered arriving, and beginning to read The Magician's Nephew to Zion... Mike took them up to the attic to see how the attics of these houses used to connect, like in that book.
- Mike finishing the insulating of the attic, "just" the finishing off to do now

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