VE Day 75 years

I didn't wake until 8, and Jon had already got up. He isnt very good at a lie in, whereas, I'm expert at it. I even put the telly on. He doesn't like tv in the bedroom! I got up after a while, and before he had gone shopping. We had breakfast in the very u tidy conservatory, and I resolved to get it properly tidied today, before I did anything else. It really did take all morning, but I needed all my craft bits to go back in the correct drawers, whilst sorting and being ruthless. I didnt get rid of much, but managed to re-sort the drawers to get more in! So I didn't need to throw much away.

Jon did the weekly shopping, and when he got home we had coffee and doughnuts. We put on vinyl records and I continued to sort, while he took the badges off his camp blanket ( which has been eaten by moths) ready to sew on to his dads old camp blanket. There are a lot of badges. It has been a job knocking around for years, so in my sort out it surfaced.

So Friday is Jon's day off, but not for much longer. He had an interview via 'Teams' on Tuesday, and later that day was offered the job. So he is quite excited to start his new job in the not too distant future, where he will be the Tree Officer for Norfolk CC, looking after all the trees in the city. He has been happy in his current job, but is excited about taking on the challenge of something new.

After lunch in the garden, where we all felt quite tired in the sun, I cycled up to the allotment for an hour. Passing flags and bunting on a few houses in the village. I didnt do much, but I did cover my strawberries, and watered. No luck with carrots, so will need to sow more seeds, but pleased to see beetroot starting to show.

Mollie made scones this morning, but didnt bake them until our afternoon tea, so that they were warm, and perfect with all the old china tea set, jam and clotted cream. My genuine 1940s flags were out too...but I couldn't persuade anyone to dress up!

I did some more sewing, I think it took me over an hour just to do the collar. I'm hoping noone looks too closely, as it isn't very good where it meets the placket, which I did earlier in the week!! I haven't done button holes yet though, I'm leaving that to the end. Its sleeves next, so I'm leaving them until tomorrow. Meanwhile, Jon got the barbeque going, and we had a nice civilised meal outside - since we have been working from home, it's the only table that is free for us to sit round.

Before sitting down for the evening, I rang mum and dad. Of course, dad is the only one who really remembers the VE day celebrations. He told me school was cancelled on the tuesday (8th) but his dad still went in to work as normal, but was sent home. So the family, all 4 of them,went up to London to join in the celebrations. Dad says he remembers a day of walking; walking along the embankment, Trafalgar square and seeing Churchill speak at Whitehall. So he has enjoyed seeing bits on the tv, but says what is misleading is they have been showing all the street parties as if they happened today. Dad says these didn't happen until a week or 2 later. I haven't really watched any of it on tv today. There has been too much to do for me to watch tv during the day. Now, however, we are watching the Dads Army film which we saw at the cinema together. A bit of a laugh. Then bed...

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