Maid in Cornwall

By curlycarrie


You never know what you're going to find washed up on the beach after a bit of stormy weather, but it's not often you find one of these! There was so much rubbish on the beach today, it was good to see some of it had been put to good use.
I haven't been to this beach for a couple of years, in fact the last time I was there I was falling out of a plane 10, 000 feet above it whilst strapped to a fit young man. I've put a couple of atrocious quality shots of that day here because I never want to forget it (not that there's much chance of that!). I need to do something like that again soon, get a bit of adrenalin pumping through my veins. I'm feeling in need of a bit of recklessness and adventure at the moment instead of the safe, middle aged life style I seem to have fallen into. I think I maybe entering a mid life crisis!!

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