Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 49 - Diddy David

Some forgotten photos of the kids as babies have emerged - this one I absolutely love!

This was at my in-laws’ house, David was obsessed with windmills and always sought out the little brass windmill in the snug.

I remember the outfit - it came from Readmans, a place only my fellow West Yorks Blippers will remember - oh the excitement of finding a bargain, invariably something from M & S with the label cut out!

That would be the summer of 1997, I was pregnant and sick as a dog - just seeing the outfit made me feel a bit queasy again. I survived on apple juice - couldn’t bear to touch the stuff now!

That’s him in the background, on annual leave this week as he should be in Orlando, so he’s catching up on some work emails while watching various washed-up footballers discussing the non-existent season from their living rooms on Sky Sports......

Stay alert!

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