Day 66 of my personal lockdown.

Another great Tai Chi (QiGong) session with C via zoom this morning.  Once again I feel  much better after the session than the before.  Gus was there today today, always a pleasure to see.

I've been learning a bit about low key photography today for today's Mono Monday challenge.  This is my very humble effort.  I actually found it quite interesting. I've learn it is shooting dark-coloured scenes or subjects and emphasizing natural or artificial light only on specific areas in the frame.  With only Hubby and G as subject and nowhere in the house dark enough to shoot today, I've just gone low key, hope that was OK.   Anyway this is my humble effort and many thanks to Caroline for hosting.

It was done on my small dining table as my make shift studio with the black material hubby uses in the garden (a bit too see through for a proper backdrop) ad a torch!!!, then converting to black & white.  I'm quite pleased with the results.  Mind you you should also see the numerous ones I rejected, including the two in extras!!!

Yesterday I started feeling a bit stir crazy again.  Going through old photos and seeing all the places I've been to for photographic purposes, then all the plans I had for further expeditions this year, which will no longer happen *sigh*, just made me feel a bit blue.  However I also remember where I live, I have outdoor space, I'm not on my own and I will just have to re-jig and visit more local villages and spaces close to home, whether by foot or short distances by car. 

C and her QiGong session plus this low key exercise has helped enormously. 

Hope you are all OK.  Do take care, most importantly stay safe and see you all tomorrow. 

Update - just for Knottman2 I've added the rose in colour.  Actually that could be entered as monochrome as well 'cos of course it doesn't have to mean B&W silly me, but then the light doesn't show up in it.

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