Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Orange is the new red

It's another very hot day today - we stuck to the shady part of the woods on our dog walk as in the sunshine it was just too hot. After the dog walk Gavin and I went to the local coffee shop to get coffees - an oatmilk cappuccino for me and flat whites for the rest of the family, excellent coffee as always. 

After the coffee break Adam finally relented and asked me to cut his hair as it was just getting too hot for him with long hair. I cut the top and sides with scissors and he was very pleased with it - then he got the shaver and did a skin fade on his own hair with me holding mirrors for him to see. The fade is too extreme for my taste but he is pleased with it. I did a 'before' photo but was a bit shocked at the after look and forgot to take an 'after' photo! Anyway, it will grow again....

I phoned the vet to ask about an anti tick treatment and they recommended a tablet that lasts for 3 months. I had to go pick it up and on the way there saw that there were these beautiful poppies under the war memorial cherry trees in the village - orange instead of the usual red ones. They make a very pretty sight and I took photos of them against the light.

Meriel sent me a present of a matching scrunchie for me and bandana for Xena - photo in extras! 

I also baked another banana loaf today which the family are currently enjoying at the moment as it is still warm out of the oven. Gavin loves over generous amounts of butter on the slice of banana bread - as Adam says, 'dad, would you like some banana bread with your slice of butter?!'

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