
By Saxysax


Indie hanging out in the Magnolia.

Blimey - another scorcher and a slower day as a consequence, very little oomph to do much and the kids have had some big emotions today (especially Indie) so we have had to work through them a few times.

Early run.
Q had school work.

Bees did the same as yesterday - they swarmed - let me collect them and then decided to go back the the hive.  I don't know why they are doing this, i cant find anything in the literature, but its very confusing.

Nice chat with Z in the garden before we had to retreat inside.  The garden has suddenly popped into life, flowers everywhere and its beautiful.

Indie was very unhappy to be told to come inside but it was just too hot for her.

Family walk in the woods which was nice and cool.

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