Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

May for May

We started today by walking into the village to stand on the route of a funeral procession. Helen was a lovely lady, a member of our congregation who I have known since I was a child. For the last 18 months or so, I took communion to her in her nursing home, her daughter was usually there too and it was a very special time. She was always a cheery person and had a real twinkle in her eye. She died two weeks ago and I shall miss her. The funeral was obviously private, but the route that the hearse would take was published. It was lovely to see people along the road paying their respects. We hope to have a memorial service once that is possible.
We passed the hawthorn bush on the way, I do like the coloured varieties, there were several white ones and a paper pink too.
I didn't sleep well last night, my shoulder pain is back with a vengeance and was affecting my whole arm and hand. I think I must have a trapped nerve which will need physio but sadly that is not an option just now, so it's back to the painkillers.
It's been a very wild day, really strong winds and some rain showers in between though the sun has been shining and apart from the wind has been quite pleasant. I hope the wind does down overnight so it doesn't keep us awake. The flowers in the hagen are taking a pounding, it always seems to happen just at the peonies ate starting to look their best.
A friend dropped off a piece of his art work which I bought last week, he was hoping to drop it and leave but it was nice to unexpectedly have the chance to chat and catch up a little.
I did some sewing this afternoon and as a treat had a small Chinese takeaway for dinner, not the best, but a change of flavour was enjoyable. There is a very limited number of Chinese restaurants open, plenty of places for Indian food, but not Chinese.
Thank you for dropping in to my journal, I always enjoy reading your comments.
Keep safe and well everybody, I'm so looking forward to meeting some people next week.

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