Old and New

I've spent the last 2 weekends in one of the most inspiring places in the world, for me. Lake Wanaka.

Big skies, crisp sunny days, air clarity that's hard to imagine, and huge mountains. It's invigorating and inspirational.

And then I come back to the city ...

Photographically I am so inspired in the outdoors, I feel trapped in the city. I feel it's uninspiring and uninteresting (at present) and as far as cities go I live in a pretty OK one. I hunt photos rather than see them all around me. It's not as enjoyable to me, but it does help make you think more about what you do and why, and the style in which you shoot it.

So, today's shot is not overly inspired. It's a place I went today.

I'd rather be back in the mountains.

Edit: Just noticed my one year ago - yes, also Wanaka!

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