Been to the park twice today.

I haven't been to the park first thing in the morning for a couple of weeks. It takes about 20 mins to walk to the park and when I got there at 7.45am I pretty much had the whole place to myself. Yay! I found this water bottle as soon as I got let of my lead so I just zoomed around with it. There were only two other dogs and four joggers in the park this morning. Not one single cyclist. And no little people learning to ride their bikes. Hmmmmmm.................. maybe all the people who were obsessed about doing an early morning workout two months ago have given up now?!

Not so this afternoon. Don't know what the temperature was, but after Ann had spent a few hours on the balcony turning into a wrinkly old prune, she took me back to the park for an afternoon run about. There were lots of doggies there for me to have a run about with. Yay!  Everyone I meet comments on what a happy, friendly, little collie pup I am.  The park was mobbed with people sunbathing and kids paddling in the burn.  And here in Scotland we're not even allowed to sunbathe in public places yet but there wasn't a policeman in sight. And we're pretty sure the nine little kids playing very closely together in the burn weren't all from the same family unless of course two of the mummies were childless and one had three sets of triplets??!!

It's driving my human mad..................... all these people breaking the rules. Not even going to mention Dominic Cummings here. Roll on Friday when our weather app is showing the temperature in Edinburgh to be 22c and the lock down restrictions in Scotland are due to be lifted. My human is so looking forward to meeting 'one person outside her household' even if it is outside. We already have arrangements to meet Ann's friend, Fiona, outside for a social distancing glass of 'Aperol Spritz' & a bottle of Prosecco. Hmmmmmmm..................... I'm just hoping that Ann remembers to take my portable water drinking bowl with her??!! 


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