Just four photos of today

Been a long but nice day on the road. 95 F / 35 C outside means I will be idling the truck for the first time in a very long time so I can get a good nights rest. These four photos are along Highway 82 in Washington. 

A note of all the looting, burning, riots and... I was taught peaceful protest first, non violent civil disobedience second and violence only leads to more violence. At some point to restore order though some tough choices will have to be made. Open season on protesters? No, never. However, the police just like I have the right to self defense. We have a court system in the USA that isn't always fair, isn't always just, isn't always....  Voting matters. Voting your best interest matters. Voting to drain the swamp - careful for what you wish for. 

From 1949 to 1987 we used to have the Fairness Doctrine that required radio and television to tell both sides of an issue. In the age of the internet where you only see what you want and not what you should, maybe it is time to reinstate this doctrine. 

Stay safe everyone. 

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