Railway Building

Last day of my shorter that normal working week.  It was another busy day, but one in which a big piece of work was completed, so all good.

I pulled tea together quite quickly.  BB was very disappointed that he wasn’t getting a whole pizza to himself.  I said he would have to eat more salad to make up for it.  Once tea was done, I rushed out for very quick walk.  I had to be back in time for a Duke of Edinburgh Zoom meeting.  I was rather worried that  meeting with eight items on the agenda could take all evening,  so was pleasantly surprised when it ended much earlier than I had expected.  I then headed out for the rest of my walk to increase my step count.

This is the last remaining station building – the railway finally closed in 1968, having closed to passengers in 1949.  The building is occupied by a music school, and was visited by Mr Portillo on one of his railway journeys.

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