If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


The weather hasn't been too bad for a November day!  Unfortunately it's June.  It has poured down for much of the day and been fairly chilly.  No doubt the gardens and wildlife will be very glad of it.   Perhaps the House matins will find enough mud to repair last years nest!

In one of the dry spells I had a wander out expecting to find a flower or rain droplets.   To my surprise the Aquilegia was alive with Bumblebees.  I have tentatively identified this as a worker White-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) if there are any bee experts out there I would like to know if I am correct.

Interestingly if you look closely at the flowers you will see little holes at the back of the flower.  The bees clearly can't cope with trying to reach the nectaries at the end of the horn on the petal.  So they do a little DIY and make a hole to give them access.

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