Summer and Winter way back...

The weather forecast suggests the next couple of days are going to be very wet and windy so we spent the day running around the garden getting the grass cut and doing jobs we aren't going to be doing in the rain! We were so busy I didn't take any pictures but fortunately an answer appeared...
A few days ago Jan found a large folder full of pictures and paper at the back of our storeroom. Yesterday we moved it up to her workroom and today she looked through it. As well as some of her early artwork there were also some A3 sized photos of kayaking, which it was fun to look at, and it's those that provide me with today's blip.
We worked out that they were taken in the early 90's, getting on for thirty years ago. One of them shows a trip we did to Norway in the summer, and I'm paddling in torrential rain, the mountains just shadows in the murk. I think Jan probably took the photo. The other picture shows me and my kayak, sitting in a mass of ice bits, taken in late winter, probably March or April. I think that picture was taken by my friend Kjell, because we paddled a lot in those days and I remember one year we decided to paddle every month through the entire year. Nowadays Kjell lives in the south of Sweden and blips under the name Shelling!
I still paddle the same kayak but these days I only go out in the summer, and usually only on warm days. With age comes softness, or is it wisdom?

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