Braving the waves

Very quiet day. Did a big clean up when I got up (making elderflower cordial left so many sticky bits around the kitchen even after I’d cleaned it several times this week!) then settled down to do a pile of reading and thinking. Actually rather enjoyed cranking the brain back up and making notes. Couple of conversations with T about how he’s helping P with his garden and what to do about his neighbours.
The day had started cloudy and I thought I wouldn’t get out, but the sky cleared and after dithering about where to go and whether to cycle or walk I went down to Portobello and walked along the water’s edge from one end to the other and back. There were some impressive waves but quite a lot of people kayaking, swimming and body boarding....rather them than me! Lovely to see the sun and breathe the fresh sea air.
Home and relaxed for the evening....keeping an eye out for carpet moths. I’ve had quite a few despite having sprayed everywhere several times. Really worried there’s an infestation and I can’t have that!
Good to have a zoom catch up with VickyG. She seemed on good form, possibly more relaxed than usual but it seems she and M have had a week off and it’s obviously done her good,

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