Day 87 of my lockdown

People of a certain age may remember that lovely little TV series starring Hammy Hamster!!

Went out fairly early this morning (about 9.30) and took G over to Storth Embankment again and walked the other way this time into Sandside.

Met quite a few dog walkers and general walkers but not too many, all social distancing well.  I do wish all the dog walkers though, not just some of them, would clean up after their dogs when they've let them relieve themselves in the middle of the path!!???  Otherwise a lovely walk.

This photo is was taken when we we almost back at the car.  It is looking Storth Embankment towards Arnside and Arnside Knott on the left with Grange-over-Sands on the other side of the River Kent.  You can barely make out the Arnside Viaduct, which has been blipped many times, including by myself, but it is there.

Took G a while as he is very slow but it was good for him to get out in the fresh airl

Came back for lunch and then a nice quiet afternoon.

Take care everyone, please stay safe and see you all tomorrow.  Thank you so much for dropping by and your lovely comments, which are greatly appreciated.

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