Day 87

To continue yesterday’s saga
My daughter contacted her insurer. Her husband thinks the car will be written off which is not a good outcome . We will probably give her some money towards another one.
My pasties turned up this morning completely defrosted and not in a good state. I contacted the company I bought them from and they are doing a full refund until they can find a new courier as they are having too many issues with UPS at the moment . The priority with them seem to be delivering medical supplies and not frozen food.
We cut the hedge in the front today and the boys Next door weeded our front driveway before the rain came. I did some deadheading is roses and peonies too. We had so much garden rubbish  we had to use the neighbours brown bin and we have enough still for another brown bin.  I keep saying a trip to the recycling centre is needed but alan disagrees . When the paint cans are sorted we will go
I was asked what I wanted for my birthday and I suggested a ring light for the camera to be told we had one! So we are playing before Wisley tomorrow.

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