Colour On A Driech Day

After our click-and-collect we dropped a few groceries off at Miss Flum's, where I took this photo of her Azalea, demonstrating the wet, drippy weather of the day. 
We then drove west to deliver two masks and had a nice long chat over a doorstep until the rain began in earnest.
At teatime we had an unexpected visit from Master Flum, the Flumlet and their dog, bringing a box containing two specially painted pictures, and another lovely chat in the front garden.
And later, after the mid-week Zoom service, Miss Flum turned up so we had another nice chat in the garden - then, as she was leaving, all watched a fox cub playing with some kind of toy (we hoped it was inanimate).
So we've had a very sociable day and couldn't care less that, for most of the time, it was wet.

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