Tramp 2

So, woke up after last nights effort to a trampoline that in all honestly, was a pretty poor erection.

So, it was promptly disassembled and the job to do it right began. As it turned out, an all-day job.

Now, we live in a hill, and therefore the concept of a trampoline on a less than flat section is challenging. So the first step began, levelling it. Which began with a trip to the hardware store to get some sleepers to sit the four leg on, and then a lot of digging and levelling. Yes, quite a mission, especially in 29 deg heat.

But I got there, and then the assembly began. Much better. However, at 5pm our guests arrive3d for dinner, so they were promptly roped in. Net assembly on etc, and then finally all the kids jumped on. Considerably better.

And then of course the sprinkler came out, as it does.

Nice dinner too. One of the guests had been the assessing engineer on all the multi-storey buildings that are currently being demolished in the city. Certainly a few stories ...

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