Late Autumn Trees

..... in the Christchurch CBD

My daughter & son-in-law flew back to Queenstown today, so it’s just Missy & me here together again.

Unhappy & disappointing news for NZ today, with 2 new Covid-19 cases, brought across the border by 2 women coming back here to visit an ill parent. It shouldn’t have happened. They’re from the UK and the Covid-19 situation there is well known here. They should have been tested as soon as they flew into the country, and shouldn’t have been allowed to drive from Auckland down to Wellington. It’s all farcical, especially in the face of those who’ve lost so much to Covid-19 themselves, trying to keep on top of it for us all. So many people will have come in contact with them too.
The Director General of Health has said this afternoon that from now on all incoming people will be tested and that any other compassionate permits are cancelled. It’s broken a 24 day streak without any new cases.

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