Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

Young Friends from Church

They do say if you mix with young people you stay young yourself, so I do like to be around our young people from church! They are a great bunch and know how to have fun. I did ask Elizabeth if she wanted to be in this photograph but she declined.

After a good service we had a Bring & Share Lunch - you need to see these to appreciate how fantastic they are - everyone brings and we all share and even if you forget to bring, there is always enough to go round!

We also had Lindsay and Nicola with us today; they attend a local school and in July they are going to Mombasa in Kenya with several other young people to help in the building of a school there and also to learn about the different culture. They have to raise £3,800 each so they came to sell cakes they had made to help towards this. The cakes were delicious and I hope they made lots of money!

I did have a chat with them before the service and they were very aware that we have so much here in the UK and often those who live in Africa have so little so they wanted to help in some small way; going over there with Camps International and other young people will not only help them, but also those on the receiving end.

"Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me."
Matthew 25 : 40
Contemporary English Version of The Bible

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