
By Hereandthen

A new purchase

Not so much a purchase as a gift from an old friend, the addition of the couch to my living room has made it just that- a room for living.
My dad came down and seemed to approve- which is the most important thing. I think no matter what you do in life there's always a feeling that you'll never quite get your dads full approval, but proving I could organise my own couch delivery was a big thing to me. If only the fact I was one of the most highly regarded chaps in barlinnie was good for a resume I'd be of much higher social standing... Ho him.. I'll settle for being the son who proudly got his own couch for now! 
Yesterday I met one of my friends who I would have said to have been my bestest mate in the whole world a few years ago, but we have taken very different paths since then. Funny though how after such a long time you can strike up conversation as easily as always, always loved that. So we had a beer on the meadows and admired the various ladies of Edinburgh who happened to be strolling by... What fun.

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