Bath Time!

The Little Misses do like to splash about in the bath! Just after I took this I could hear Mr K getting crosser and crosser - and eventually very cross indeed - about the soaking he was getting.
Hee hee!!
Today was the day all my eBay listings ended. I'm quite pleased with the prices I got. Money for stuff that's been gathering dust around the house. The Gup A fetched £13.13 and will be winging it's way to Ontario tomorrow!
I've been having a mild panic attack all day realising I now have to wrap it all up to send.
I went to Staples and bought bubble wrap and carried on panicking until Mr K came to my rescue! He was fantastic, wrapping up the Gup, a backpack baby carrier and a booster seat for me.
Putting clothes in envelopes I can manage!!

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