
By PelorusJack

Doin the "Australian Crawl" - - -

- - - as the Manly Ferry cuts its way to Circular Quay.
If you have to ask - don't. It looses something in the translation.

Continuing the Australiana theme in extras is the window of the UGG shop at the end of the "toaster". This isn't the real UGG, but the one the Americanas stole and are now selling back to gullible tourists in Oz.
Either by the hand of a vengeful employee, or a simple "act of god" the sign has been altered - could be a line straight out of "Let Stalk Strine".
Once again, if you have to ask - - - -

See also other backblips from Steak and Kidney on the 18th and 17th.

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