Bumble Bee

I struggled to get out of bed this morning.  It is a real case of all days merging into one, so I was disappointed that I had to work today.  I had loads to do and not too many calls – always a bonus.

After I logged off, I went to the supermarket.  I was quite efficient and scanned my own stuff as I went round.  When I got to the checkout I was chosen to have my shopping checked.  The poor lady seemed quite new, so didn’t really know what to do and we had to wait on help arriving.  Needless to say, it took a while.  I got home eventually and almost immediately dropped a can of juice on the kitchen floor.  It exploded and went everywhere.  What a  mess – the less said about that the better!

TT called Grandma as it is her birthday today.  She wasn’t looking forward to it, but she seems to have had a lovely day, with a number of socially distant visitors.  After tea I headed out for my walk.  It was the best part of the day.  The sun appeared momentarily  - and it seemed momentous, having been so gloomy all weekend.

The bees have been very busy on our chives these past few weeks.

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