Midsummer Day flowers

A bit of a play with three shots of my bee and insect attracting flower border toay. I just couldn't understand why yesterday was supposed to be Mid Summer's Day when it's always the 21st of June, but the penny has finally dropped, of course, it is a Leap Year ! Somehow it doesn't seem as far into the year as it is, I guess the whole pandemic and lockdown has also robbed us of the 'normal' sense of time ! Everything is indeed a bit of a blur.

Thanks so much for all the blurry entries for last week's Abstract Thursday challenge. This coming Thursday the optional theme will be 'multiple exposure'. If you don't have a camera with multi-exposure option , or no editing program at hand please know that for example Snapseed and Pixlr do have double exposure modes and it is quite fun to play with them. The tag will be AT261.

Here's the list of last Thursday's specials:
kengrace              fabric wrinkles and blur
Jorgiesmum        blurry selfie
craftylady             allium zoom blur
john39                   musical blur
Inverculain            a blur of roses

And for once I do have a special mention,  for Crispin25's  amazing  transparent snail.

Thanks very much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's red currants

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