
Today I thought I'd have my weekly SB-900 play and decided the 4 (yes only 4!!) snowdrops in the front garden would make a good subject. Nope my efforts were pathetic and in the end I chose this which was a comparisonshot using the pop up flash so me thinks its back to the instructions. Pretty poor effort I know but its too windy and cold out there to try again!

Visited my parents and was horrified to discover my father has had £200 taken off of him in a bank con. Friday morning on the way to the post office to renew his car tax he stopped at the cash-point by the supermarket for a mini statement to check his pension was in. He noticed a couple standing a bit away then the woman rushed over saying that he'd dropped £10 and she handed him a note he said no I haven't and they insisted and in the confusion he somehow forgot that although he'd pressed no for any more services he hadn't collected his card from the machine. Next thing the woman shouted after him again saying actually its not your money its mine I dropped it and rightly when he checked his wallet he had the right amount of cash in it so he gave the moeny back. Once in the Post Office he realised he didn't have his card, but of course by then it was long gone and the scummy couple and withdrawn £200. Fortunately by the time he got home and called the bank lost/stolen card line he was able to get it cancelled without any further transactions and they are now investigating to decide it was theft/fraud or not and whether or not they will reimburse him.

Lets just say these two were of the same nationality as the people who work scam people in the West End in gangs and are part of the EU, makes my blood boil

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