Day Today

By Feathers14

Steel City Rockers

Damn, today was sick. So we (Raggy and I) travelled up to Sheffield to go to a breakdance jam that was happening. A friend who trains with us in Warwick went to uni in Sheffield and that's where his crew, Steel City Rockers, is based.

The whole weekend was good. Jazz and Cliffton put us up in their flat for the night and they are without doubt 2 of the most hospitable people I've ever met; they just couldn't do enough for us.

At the club we took over the bar for the whole evening until 4am. The music, the atmosphere, the dancing... It was crazy. Turnout was incredible without about 35 breakers all waiting to get in the cyphers and represent... There really isn't anything quite like it.

The lighting wasn't good for shooting, at all. I was mostly filming footage for a video Raggy and I are going to edit, but I decided to try some slow-sync flash photography. The problem was, I didn't have an external flash so was massively lacking any decent light. Fortunately there was another photographer shooting behind me and just as I took this picture his flash fired, so I (luckily) managed to piggy-back. I'm pretty happy with the result.

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