Waiting For The Storm ...

... to pass.  A lot of thunder, lightening and rain first thing so sat in the car hoping it would let up before I started dropping off prescriptions.  

'Lockdown easing'?  Seems like the wrong words to me as doesn't match the feelings it generates for many: nervousness, anxiety, stressfulness, fear, etc.  Perhaps it should be 'Lockdown? - nah lets take a punt'.  Would be sort of logical if it was easing within Scotland initially as the low numbers of new infections and deaths here have been quite heartening (especially when compared to south of the border) but no, too much pressure on and lobbying of the Scottish Government to open up to all.  The Mull Health website saw over 1200 hits in 24 hours after the news yesterday - mostly on the section to do with second homes and self-catering.  I understand all the arguments re the economy and the effects of job losses etc but I can't help but feel we are now going down the herd immunity route which was always the plan at Westminster, and sod the consequences, and blame it on the people for not following advice.  

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