Fire Friday

We have been so lucky with the weather on our Friday nights down by the river. We did take the precaution of bringing a bag of dry kindling and some wood from home this time, as it has been raining for most of the day. Luke got the fire going beautifully, we cooked our tea on the embers, and Jess enjoyed herself in the water. We were all happy.

D and I did have a rude awakening this morning, though, just before 7am. We heard the telltale swish and thud of a tree falling, and the peacock sounding very upset.  We found out that it was an oak bough, not a whole tree, thank goodness...but still plenty of work for D.

As Luke and I had both been camping/bivvying on Thursday night, we changed our shopping day to today. I still find the experience pretty stressful. After the shop, however, we went to see Zoe, who had kindly offered to give us a scoby so that we can start making kombucha and this afternoon we made it some nice sugary black tea and put it in a quiet place to let it get on with what scobys do...

have a good weekend, everyone!

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