BB and Another Chum

It has been another amazing day –wonderfully sunny and very hot.  I did more washing today and was very distracted all day by the sunshine outside, even though I was working.  I did managed a short walk at lunchtime just to experience the heat!  We had a Divisional quiz today too, which was another welcome distraction from work and was good fun.
Having just received my new personal mobile earlier in the week, and having struggled to get it set up, my new work mobile arrived today.  It is still in the box and maybe for some time!
TT was struggling to get good internet connections today and spent the day wandering the house with his laptop and he was on one call after another.  At one point he shared the kitchen table with me.  I must ask him what exit velocity is, as it kept being mentioned and in the context of the chat, I couldn’t work it out.
BB then had a zoom call for his Duke of Edinburgh – that is quite a different experience to overhear!  Rather shambolic and teenage boys who say very little, with one of them on the beach!
Later BB and I went for a walk with S, L and H the dog. It was good for BB to see his friend L after so long. Here they are almost exactly six years ago! Another coincidence is that we bumped into he lady on the left on our walk this evening as she was walking her dog.
There is not much left of the wood stack!

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