A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Berry Bandit

We threw some food together, made a pot of coffee, grabbed the camera and binoculars and headed for the river this morning for breakfast and bird watching. We made it to the boat landing before 8am, and found it quieter than usual for a sunny Sunday morning. Heavenly! • While I focused on coffee and waiting for Cedar Waxwings to fly in, my Mrs.P surveyed trees on the other side of the river for eagles and ospreys. She was not disappointed, finding two eagles and one osprey • We are home now to do some weeding, watering, and de-worming of any green worms found on the broccoli. Also, as of yesterday we’re down one caterpillar. Hopefully the other has left to create his chrysalis somewhere safe • Take Care and Enjoy your Sunday, All!

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