A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Damp celebrity.

This little plant has featured as a blip at least once a year over the last 10 years so I feel it is quite a blip celebrity. It first featured on my 3rd ever blip when it was gifted to me at a party we had for the return of my son from serving in Afghanistan. (Think I’ve also shown it as a seed head once so that makes 11 appearances!)
As you can see it has two lovely blooms and two more to open.
A great little plant and Chris has to take credit for keeping it In the greenhouse over winter all these years

We headed over to M & S at Guiseley for a big monthly shop quite early this morning and I thought I would blip the queue - but there wasn’t one! Well that was good news, must remember to go on a Monday again although we have never had to queue for long.

So you have my faithful Gerbera on this damp and miserable day!

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