What a difference a week makes.............

A blustery, gusty strong wind around today here, under grey skies with an odd shower now and again. 
Summer is taking a nap for a bit after strenuous efforts last week! 
    A one and a half hour Zoom French session this morning, with three of us plus Thierry. We're now back to three as Lilian bought a camera for her laptop and it works! Good to have her join with us once more. 
   Outside the pupils whose year groups are in school have been coming out to meet whichever parent is collecting them. 
    Good to see some life beginning again, but still far, very far, from normal.
 Next week, subject to the usual announcements, we should be able to have a specified number of other people able to visit inside the house. With social distancing. 
That will make it a whole lot easier to meet up on wet days, rather than on social media. It would not be much fun sitting in the garden in the rain! 
Interruption:  now post tea-time, due to ordering a Diamond Wedding gift for my cousin from my sister and myself.We were two of the bridesmaids on the actual date. July 9th 1960 in Workington, Cumbria. 
It was a hot day too! 
Then a long call from my sister, and a message from one of my friends about a WhatsApp video call tomorrow at 4.00 pm as usual. The weather is now chilly and very windy, rain in the offing and not conducive to sitting in the garden! 
What a difference to last week on Tuesday!     
         The phone then rang again and the person on the end of the line made me very happy. 
    It was the hairdresser! I now have an appointment a week on Saturday  11th July, for a trim and blow dry. What a treat! 

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