
I was back in the Office today. It’s a change of scene. Work was just work - 10 new cases in 2 days, on top of trying to catch up on what happened when I was on holiday. 

I saw another local MSP explaining on social media how the caseload increased by 500% in April when the virus lockdown took hold, but there are no extra resources. Oh wait, that’s not quite true. I now have a £10 Alcatel pay-as-you-go phone to use when I work at home. 

Certainly the Boss is working harder than ever, but in different ways to before because he has no community engagement meetings. I am not putting in any more hours, but the ones I do work are more pressured. 

Anyway, it was dry and mostly sunny all day after 3 horrible October days, so that was very welcome. It is great to come back from work and get some garden chores done before heading for the kitchen.  

The Blip is a reminder that things moved a step forward yesterday - non-essential shops can now open if they have street access - not in shopping centres. 

Buses and trains are still off limits except for essential journeys... I think. Yes, I'm supposed to know these things but today was all about testing for care home staff, testing for hospital nurses, and why folk cannot wear face coverings.

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