Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Birthday Girl

I had intended to use a photo I took of a spider today (more on that later) but then I thought about the number of times I've popped open Blipfoto and almost sh*t myself because I'm arachnophobic, and I didn't want to inflict that terror and panic on anyone else! To save you from yet another beer, selfie or beer selfie, here's a snap of my sister and I from way back when; it's her birthday today so it seemed apt (if cheating re: the premise of Blip a bit!) I don't think either of us has changed much! I love how Zoe looks slightly annoyed to be made to pose with Baby Stace, haha! Happy birthday, Zobo x

So, the reason I, an arachnophobe, the kind of arachnophobe that can't even get close enough to spiders to catch or kill them, took a photo of a spider today was because I had to send an emergency "save me from this beast!" photo to The Hubby after my morning shower. I genuinely thought I'd entered a parallel universe where I was actually sharing this house with a family of spiders... You know those weird ones that are quite slow, that have a body that looks sort of like a seed with long, wispy, almost hair-like legs? There's been a ton of them in the house today, terrorising me in the bathroom, hanging out in the kitchen, dangling precariously over the laundry basket... I HATE IT.

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