
Today got off to an annoyingly early start. Our next door neighbours came round last night to tell us that someone was coming to remove the leylandii between their garden and ours and replace it with a fence.
It's our crappy forgotten overgrown side of the garden so we didn't mind. It'll obviously look so different but will force us to sort our side out. 
What was annoying was the bloke turning up before 8am and blasting the whole neighbourhood with his soft rock radio station of choice. With adverts. Uuuuuuuugghhhhhh!!! All day long.
Rather than professional tree removers like we had the other week they seem to have picked some random handyman with a van doing it all by himself. The trees are half gone and the fence is half built so we couldn't let Archie out all day. Sigh. Hopefully he'll finish it tomorrow. Thankfully the fence looks pretty good so far.
In other exciting news I called Tescos about a few unsatisfactory things in our delivery on Monday. I always mean to but never get round to it. Today was the day!!
We had two paellas delivered for Miss L and they were out of date before they arrived. One by a day and one by two!!!! What were they even still doing on the shelf???? So they've been refunded. Whoop whoop, go me!

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