Life with Alice

By elirin

Rescue Mission or Catnapping?

In our front yard, there is a small playground. Sometimes, families who come there leave things behind. A little over two weeks ago, me and mum found this fluffy cat just lying there. Mum and other neighbours have since tried to put him on top of things like tables and benches, to make it easy for parents who come looking for him to actually find him. Because we’re sure that there is a child out there who misses him. Even if he is a cat. But no one has come to get him.

This morning we found him, soaking wet and dirty and sandy, on the ground just one metre from the door to the garbage room. A very dangerous place to be. Mum couldn’t take it anymore. He came inside with us and went into both the washer and the dryer. Mum has written a laminated note and put it inside the toy box if someone wants him back - they have to describe him. If not, he’ll stay with us.

We’ve named him Bob, after streetcat Bob who was a hero and sadly went over the Rainbow bridge recently. I’m ok with another feline friend. As long as they don’t live and breathe in my house.

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